Meet the Team
Our goal is to make you a better hunter! From advanced tactics to hunt mature WHITETAILS to the beginner just starting out or just anyone that enjoys hunting!
We are just normal working class guys that love our families, believe is Jesus and will bleed for the USA!

Ben Rising
Ben has lived in Ohio his whole life. He grew up in a rural country setting where he learned to trap, hunt and fish at a very early age from his father and family friends. Ben was taught early on by working on local farms , sawmillls and helping his dad and grandfather that hard work was how you achieved goals and that laziness in anything wasn’t good! If your going to do something do it right !!! Ben has molded this attitude into his pursuit of Whitetail deer and anything else that his tags are good for. Ben started logging at the age of 16 and started his own logging business at the age of 20. He married his childhood sweetheart Melody in 1998 and they have 4 boys and a girl. Ben still buys timber and runs part of the logging operations to this day for Tusco Hardwoods in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Ben started filming in 2002 for Drury Outdoors and continued till 2013. He has since started Whitetail Edge and has appeared on Bone Collector also.
Ben’s passion is this Whitetail Edge show! He truly wants to help others learn how to Pursue and successfully harvest the deer your after. Ben has written many articles on mature deer and has harvested many upper end deer including 3 bucks over 213″ and 9 from 173-194 with his bow . Ben and family attend NewPointe Community Church in Millersburg, Ohio and love camping and baseball .
Kenny Bevans
I've been chasing whitetails since I was 12. Cutting my teeth on public land with my family in southern Indiana and then our family farm in southeastern Indiana. In 2008, I started filming Ben Rising with Drury Outdoors which led me into being a full team member with them. Ben left to start Whitetail Edge and I followed him a few years later. My passion, along with chasing whitetails, is capturing time lapses and anything with nature on film.

Dewaine Jones
Dewaine and Jessica Jones are from Elk Garden Wv a small town in the hills of West Virginia. They have 2 sons Sammy and Hunter. They love God and love spending time together in the outdoors. Dewaine starting hunting at a very young age and he introduced Jessica to hunting when they started dating and they love doing it together!
Torry Miller
Born into a non-hunting family in southeastern Indiana, I began chasing whitetails over 20 years ago. My
first bow hunt from a climber, three does walked right underneath me and I was hooked for life. Since then, I’ve read every magazine article, studied every film and watched every show I could find on hunting whitetail deer. Even though I enjoy chasing turkeys in the spring woods, nothing works my heart into a frenzy like hunting a mature buck with a bow.
I grew up on the family row crop farm, that I still run today. My family also owns two farm equipment dealerships I manage, and I am a Certified Land Broker for Mossy Oak Properties Indiana Land & Lifestyle. My wife Genna and I raise our adult son, and two toddlers for love of God, country, and the
outdoors. While many nice bucks hanging on my wall, my favorite hunt occurred just this past spring. I was able to take my 5-year-old daughter on her first hunt. No turkeys, but many smiles and memories were made.